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What I Learned This Week

Here’s my first installment of “What I learned This Week”. It’s just a collection of topics that I’m hoping to solidify into solid memories versus fluid, potentially lost ones.

  • Sysprep doesn’t work on upgrades. Sysprep is a tool used for imaging, and according to the error log generated after I attempted a sysprep on a Windows 8.1 machines that was upgraded from Windows 8, you cannot sysprep machines that were upgraded.
  • In Ubuntu 12.04, the DHCP server isn’t named DHCP3 but isc-dhcp-server. The settings also different; dhcpd server settings are located in /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf. More info here.
  • The MCSA is a pain in the a–, especially the 70-412. That was the hardest MS test I’ve taken.

That’s all folks.

That's all folks!