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Quickie: Importing Certificate Into Juniper Devices

Working in a Juniper SRX (or other model), you might have a need to secure the web interface with a certificate through the CLI. I had this need and ran into a problem where Junos wouldn’t recognize the input I gave in the CLI for the certificate (it was an issue with line breaks). The web management service wasn’t starting and I was receiving errors like the following in the httpd.log file:

httpd: Error: OpenSSL: Can't open certificate file: /var/etc/ssl/https.pem
httpd: Error: OpenSSL: Can't configure certificates

Searching online, there isn’t much that talks about this process, so this is an attempt to rectify that. The following is a quick breakdown of how to import a certificate into a Juniper SRX via the CLI. The process should be applicable for all Juniper devices (EX, MX, etc.), but I’ve only tested it on SRXs in 15.x+.

Generate Certificate

First off, generate a certificate. I’m not going into the details of how to generate a certificate because that’s outside the scope of this post, and your certificate process will vary.

For this process, I generate certificates outside the Juniper device with some scripts, so no need to create a CSR on the Juniper device and so forth. Typically I use a 2048 to 4096-bit key, and I like to create SAN/UCC certs for these device types so that I can include the hostname, FQDN, and IP address.

One important item here to note: your certificate format needs to be in base64/PEM format. In other words, it should be a file that looks something like this:

Example text output of base64/pem certificate.

And your unencrypted private key like this:

Example text output of RSA private key

Combine Private Key and Certificate Into Single Line

Next, I open up VS Code and concatenate the private key and certificate into one file:

Example of RSA private key and certificate as one file

Now we’re going to replace all the line breaks with line breaks that Junos recognizes. Using below for reference, hit Ctrl+F (Find) or Ctrl+H (Replace) to get the find and replace box and click the drop-down arrow. Next switch to using regex (red arrow), then type ‘\n’ in the search field (pink arrow), type ‘\\n’ in the replace field (green arrow), and then click ‘Replace All’ button (blue arrow).

Example of using find and replace in VS Code

The end result should look something like this:

Example of RSA private key and certificate as a single line

Configure Certificate in Junos

To import configure the certificate in Junos, just copy the single line you created above then in configuration mode, enter the set command like below (with your single-line in-between the quotes):

set security certificates local <Junos Name for Cert> "<Transformed Private Key and Certificate>"


set security certificates local EXAMPLE-CERT-NAME "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\nN1jEnRqpAwEdw7S+8l0yVyaNkm66eRI80p+w3AxNbS9hJ/7UlV3lGA==\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n+tZ9KynmrbJpTSi0+BM=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

Commit the config and you’re set.

Optional: Set the Certificate in Web Management

If you haven’t set a certificate yet for the web-management service, the command below will configure it with the certificate name you used:

set system services web-management local-certificate EXAMPLE-CERT-NAME

Optional: Restart Web Management

As a general practice from managing Linux boxes, I like to restart the web management service. In operational mode, run the following to restart the web-management service:

restart web-management

That’s it! You should be set.

Monitor or View Log Files

If you want, you can look at the httpd.log file to watch the process:

monitor start httpd.log #monitors log file


show log httpd.log


Modding EX2200 PoE Switch with Quieter Fans

Since COVID-19 hit, I moved out to my garage so I could work from home, and in doing so I realized how loud my network rack really is. My rack is not the prettiest rack, and to be frank I’ve never really been a fan of the sleek LED lit home lab. My aesthetic is more like something from a Tatooine droid shop: not disorganized, per se, but certainly not pretty.

Watto's Shop

I’ve really been wanting a Juniper switch for home, so I went shopping on ebay to see if I could find anything, and surprisingly, right now you can find EX2200 switches for really cheap — like, $75 shipped. I wondered then if I could modify the fans on the switch, and lo and behold, you can! So I bought a Juniper PoE switch, but the next part was purchasing the fans.

I came across the video below from Christian Scholz showing mostly how to replace the fans. It’s an excellent video, and shows you how to replace the two back chassis fans.

However, it doesn’t show you how to replace the fans for the power supply, largely because the power supply on non-PoE EX2200s doesn’t have fans (see YouTube preview above).

For the fans on a PoE EX2200, there’s actually just one fan, and if you want to replace it with a Noctua fan, it’s going to work, but it’s going to get a bit warm. One solution is to add a fan on the exhaust port that draws the air out, but it’s going to require a little modification for the chassis cover.

I’m going to briefly show what I did, but I didn’t think to take pictures during the process, but here’s a shot of what it looks like overall:

Uncovered EX2200 switch with fans added.

Backstory: I actually screwed up and got the wrong Noctua fan for the power supply fan. I thought it was a PWM for some reason, but it actually needed a FLX fan. However, I was able to still use the PWM fan. Here’s a breakdown of the above:

  • Blue – This is the power supply fan, a Noctua NF-A4x20 FLX fan.
  • Teal – This is a splice of the old cable adapter with the new using the Noctua omnijoin adapter set that comes with the fans (which is stupidly easy to use). Red and black wires matched up, and then I matched the yellow on the Noctua cable to the blue on the old fan plug.
  • Green – This is the Noctua NF-A4x20 PWM fan that mistakenly bought. The fan runs at 100% all the time, but not an issue. While a mistake, the fan came with…
  • Pink – Y-Adapter set that came with the PWM fan. I was able to plug this into the power plug port for the right FLX rear chassis fan (red), then plug that fan into the main y-adapter and then the PWM into the other port.
  • Red – These are FLX fans.
  • Purple – This was a port labeled “J9” that tried to use for power, but didn’t work (hence why I used the y-adapter).

Some notes I learned. For one, you’ll need to lift the power supply up in order to unscrew the screws:

EX2200 power supply lifted out

I also had to drill a fairly large hole in the chassis cover so that I could fit the the cable in (see below). Had I not screwed up and spliced the PWM cable, the hole could have been smaller and I probably could have fit the y-adapter within the chassis.

EX2200 Fan backside

I had to also modify the chassis for the PoE exhaust port by flattening the metal screen (so the attached fan didn’t rub against it) and I had to drill two additional holes so that the silicon screws could hold the fan down.

Finally, here’s a look from the CLI side:

EX2200 show chassis environment - Fans spinning normally

Final Thoughts

  • Overall, it’s working really well. It’s almost completely quiet — my EVE-NG server is actually louder than this thing.
  • It’s not pretty, but the ugliness is hidden in the back.
  • I DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU DO THIS TO PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT. I’m doing this to my home stuff, so I can live with it and the consequences, but I would never do this at work (too much work, TBH; better to buy an EX2300-C).
  • Screwing the chassis cover back on will indeed be a little tighter, but with a little force you can get all the screws on.
  • I don’t recommend using a drill to unscrew these (you can strip the screws pretty easily), but if you do, have a firm downward motion and screw/unscrew in bursts.
  • I used to loathe the EX2200s for how slow they are, but on the 12.3R12.4 software, they seem to work well.

Channelizing Ports: The Case of the Missing 1 Gbps Interfaces on EX4650 Switches

A few weeks ago while helping deploy a demo Juniper EX4650 aggregation/distribution layer switch, we ran into a problem where 1 Gbps interfaces would not function correctly; i.e., 1 Gbps interfaces were missing and wouldn’t appear on the EX4650s. The issue went something like this:

  • Plugged-in 1 Gbps SFP modules
  • Ran show chassis hardware and verified SFPs were installed
  • Ran show interface ge-0/0/4 to check out the interface but received “error: device ge-0/0/4 not found

Steve Brule Looking Confused

Huh? Come again?

Truth be told, we were using Cisco 1 Gbps SFPs on the switch, and not having any Juniper SFPs (we never have), we chalked up the issue to this being a newer switch and Juniper not capable of supporting non-Juniper SFPs. Thus we ordered Juniper SFPs, waited for them to ship to us, and then tried again — same result.

Steve Brule saying 'k'.

Fast forward an evening of troubleshooting and waiting for TAC to get involved, eventually a Juniper engineer gave us the solution: we needed to channelize our ports.

Channelizing Ports on Juniper EX4650s

First off, I recommend reading the documentation from Juniper on channelizing ports on EX4650s. It’s not required for what’s below, but if you want more information about it, I recommend reading up on it.

Trivia time! EX4650-48Y-8C switches are the same hardware as QFX5120-48Y-8C, just a different OS package!

EX4650 switches come with 48 SFP+ ports that are capable of up to 25 Gbps ports, but come configured by default as 10 Gbps ports; they also come with 8 QSFP+ ports that are capable of up to 100 Gbps speeds, but can operate as 40 Gbps, or can be broken up individually into 4 channels of 25 Gbps (100 Gbps to 4-25 Gbps via breakout cables) or 4 channels of 10 Gbps (40 Gbps to 4-10 Gbps via breakout cables). Breaking them up would be done via a cable like this (there are multiple options for break out cables; this is just one) option:

Breakout cable - 1 40 Gbps QSFP+ module to 4 SFP+ 10 Gbps modules

If you’re not familiar with channelizing ports (I wasn’t until this), channelizing is the process of configuring interface ports to operate in different capacities. The most important thing to note about QFX5120 or EX4650 switches is that the QSFP+ uplink ports are the only ports that perform a process called auto-channelization, a process in which if you plug-in a module, the port will automatically switch between 100 Gbps and 40 Gbps (not sure if you plugged-in a 10 Gbps module if it would do this). If you wish to use the 25/10 Gbps break-out cables, you’ll need to disable auto-channelization and manually configure the ports to operate as such (that’s outside my scope here, but read the link above for more info).

Why this is so important for my issue is that on EX4650s, the 48 SFP+ ports do not perform auto-channelization! These ports, by default, come configured as 10 Gbps ports, and if you wish to use 1 or 25 Gbps modules, you have to manually configure the switches to perform this. This is exactly why the 1 Gbps modules were not appearing, because the ports were not configured to operate in 1G mode!

To configure the ports for the speed needed, here is the configuration we needed:

{master:0}[edit chassis]
fpc 0 {
    pic 0 {
        port 0 {
            speed 1G;
        port 4 {
            speed 1G;
        port 8 {
            speed 25G;

Under the chassis > fpc 0 > pic 0 stanzas, we configured speeds for the ports. However, note that the ports configurations above are broken up every four ports; this is because for the 48 SFP+ ports, port speeds are configured in groups of four (quads), and each quad can be 1, 10, or 25 Gbps. Here’s a visual of the quads:

EX4650 Port Quads - every group of four ports are colored and labeled by the first port - Port 0, port 4, etc.
(Click to enlarge)
Each quad is colorized above (port/quad 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44)

Therefore, in order to configure 1 Gbps interfaces on an EX4650 switch (or a QFX5120 for that matter), you need to manually set the configuration speed in the chassis configuration.

Problem solved. And Bob’s your uncle.

Some additional items that I’ve discovered in this process:

  • Because the ports are configured in groups of 4, all four ports in a quad will be the same speed. You cannot configure port 1, for example, at a different speed. This makes me suspect that on the backplane side of things, each quad is really a 100 Gbps port of some kind, like the uplink ports on the right, but is channelized in some way on the backend. Maybe. Not sure. This post makes question that logic.
  • Like other EX series switches, non-Juniper copper 1 Gbps modules do not work. The copper modules must be Juniper (or Juniper-coded) SFPs.
  • Non-Juniper 1 Gbps optic modules do work correctly.
  • The eight uplink ports on the right are configured individually, not as quads.
  • Unlike older Juniper equipment, a system reboot is not required for changing port speeds.

Juniper Interface-Range: A Use Case

It’s holiday break! That means I have more discretionary time for topics such as… Juniper interface-ranges! Yay! Right?

Unenthusiastic Fry from Futurama

Ok, not the most exciting topic in the world, but hear me out — I think there’s a pretty good use case for using Juniper interfaces-ranges, which is a Junos feature that I think really stands out from other NOS’ that I’ve had exposure to. What is the use case? Simple: campus switch port configurations.

What is a Juniper interface range?

Let’s start by explaining what it is and is not, because if you’re coming from other vendors, the concept may be foreign and/or you may conflate it with features from others.

An interface-range is a logical construct in a Juniper configuration that aggregates multiple port configurations and places them into one configuration. Here is an example:

interfaces {
    interface-range workstations201 {
        member ge-0/0/0;
        member ge-0/0/1;
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                interface-mode access;
                vlan {
                    members 201;
    interface ge-0/0/0 {
        description "Workstation 1";
    interface ge-0/0/1 {
        description "Workstation 2";

Here I have two interfaces that are members of the interface-range ‘workstations201’; they both are access ports and both belong in VLAN 201. Here’s the configuration if I were to separate out the interfaces into separate configurations:

interfaces {
    interface ge-0/0/0
       description "Workstation 1"; 
       unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                interface-mode access;
                vlan {
                    members 201;
    interface ge-0/0/1
        description "Workstation 2";
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                interface-mode access;
                vlan {
                    members 201;

As you can see above,  interface configurations are often repeated multiple times if you configure them one-by-one, but interface-ranges simplify port configurations and reduce the number of lines of these repeated configurations (in a 48-port switch with each port the same, theoretically using an interface-range could remove up-to 384 lines). If you need to change a port to a different VLAN or different configuration, simply delete the interface’s membership from one interface-range and place it in another.

What interface-ranges are not: CLI commands for making mass interface changes. For that, Juniper has the wildcard range command. For more info on that here.

Configurations Beyond the Individual Interface

So reducing the number of lines of configuration is great, but so what? If you come from the world of other vendors, you’re already used to the idea of keeping port configurations and their protocols all in the interface’s configuration, so configuring edge ports this way isn’t going to offer you much.

In the Junos world though, interface’s don’t hold all the configurations for the ports. For example, if you want to configure a voice/auxillary VLAN, that configuration on Junos (well, in post ELS change*) is in the switch-options stanza of the configuration. Sure you could configure switch-options like this and have all access ports configured for VoIP like this:

switch-options {
    voip {
        interface access-ports {
            vlan PHONES;
            forwarding-class expedited-forwarding;

But what if you have devices that will utilize the voice/auxiliary VLAN, but you want them specifically in a separate VLAN than your voice/auxiliary VLAN? You would have to configure each port specifically for that protocol like this:

switch-options {
    voip {
        interface ge-0/0/0 {
            vlan PHONES;
            forwarding-class expedited-forwarding;
        interface ge-0/0/1 {
            vlan PHONES;
            forwarding-class expedited-forwarding;

If you needed to make a change for an interface, and you’re doing this via CLI, managing these changes could get daunting.

Let take another place where configurations aren’t located in the same location: spanning-tree. It’s not enough in Junos to just turn on spanning-tree on all ports; you need to specify which ports are edge (to block BPDUs) and which ones are a downstream switch (ignore BPDUs). Often I have seen Junos configurations for campus gear look like this:

protocols {
    rstp {
        interface all;

But from my experience, all that does is turn on RSTP, and ‘bpdu-block-on-edge’ does nothing because no ports are designated as ‘edge’. In order to accomplish the above, you need to designate edge ports and ports for downstream switches (no-root-port):

protocols {
    rstp {
        interface ge-0/0/0 {
        interface ge-0/0/1 {

Great, so now you’re having to manage port configurations in three stanzas, and you’re adding a hundreds of lines of configurations to each switch configuration. WTH, Juniper?

If only there was a way to simplify this…

Where Interface-Range Shines

Interface-range does simplify all of this and reduce the lines configuration! Instead of blabbing on and on about this, let me just show you exactly how this is simplified:

protocols {
    rstp {
        interface all;
        interface workstations201 {
switch-options {
    voip {
        interface workstations201 {
            vlan PHONES;
            forwarding-class expedited-forwarding;

Using interface-range, we can treat the interface-range as an interface object and apply configurations to it just like you would individual interfaces. For ports needing voice/aux VLANs, we can configure only the ports needing it; for spanning-tree, we can designate edge and no-root-port more simply.

Another great example: what if you needed to quickly power cycle all IP speakers? Sure, you could set the following in CLI:

wildcard range set poe interface ge-0/0/[0-2,5,10,18] disable

But what if you’re working in a virtual-chassis, and your wildcard range command won’t work to get all the ports in one line? Using interface-range, you can get them all in one line like this:

set poe interface ip_speakers disable

Then BAM! You’ve turned off PoE and you can just rollback the config (or delete it, whatever floats your boat), and the IP speakers are rebooted.

Interface-range, for me, just seems like a more efficient way of managing ports configurations (even if you automate). Here’s an example that brings it all together:

interfaces {
    interface-range workstations201 {
        member ge-0/0/0;
        member ge-0/0/47;
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                interface-mode access;
                vlan {
                    members 201;
    interface-range ip_speakers {
        member ge-0/0/46;
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                interface-mode access;
                vlan {
                    members 401;
    interface-range wireless {
        member ge-0/0/1;
        native-vlan-id 100;
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                interface-mode trunk;
                vlan {
                    members 201 301;
    interface-range downstream_switches {
        member ge-0/0/2;
        native-vlan-id 100;
        unit 0 {
            family ethernet-switching {
                interface-mode trunk;
                vlan {
                    members all;
    ge-0/0/0 {
        description workstations201;
    ge-0/0/1 {
        description wireless;
    ge-0/0/2 {
        description switch_02;
    ge-0/0/46 {
        description ip_speakers;
    ge-0/0/47 {
        description workstations201;
protocols {
    rstp {
        interface all;
        interface workstations201 {
        interface wireless {
        interface downstream_switches {
        interface ip_speakers {
switch-options {
    voip {
        interface workstations201 {
            vlan PHONES;
            forwarding-class expedited-forwarding;

Why Not Use Junos Groups Instead of Interface-Range?

From my experience, and from I can tell from working on campus switch configurations, groups don’t seem to offer the simplicity for port configurations like interface-range does, and, from all that I can gather, I cannot configure VLANs for interfaces and interface modes with  the group feature like I can with interface-range. When dealing with hundreds of campus switches and VC stacks, with all the port additions and changes, it just seems like interface-range is best approach for campus switching.

That said, once you get into the distribution and core layers, I’m less certain about the applicability for interface-range, but groups seem to be better suited here.

Edit (20191124.1945) – For a perspective from some people with more experience with apply-groups than myself, check out this post I made on the Juniper subreddit. There’s even examples for how to approach this from an apply-groups model. That said, I still think interface-range is a better approach for campus switching simply for the operational benefits you get with using them.


There are a few caveats to keep in mind with interface-range, so I’ll note them quickly:

  • You can’t stage interface-ranges. An interface-range needs a member in order for it exist, so you can’t preconfigure them (although perhaps you could comment them out), and if your interface-range loses all members, you’ll need to either delete them or comment them out. Edit (20191124.1945) – This isn’t entirely true; one comment on Reddit suggests creating fake interfaces to stage them, but I’m not entirely sure if there aren’t any effects with that.
  • There are two ways to add members: member or member-range. I prefer to avoid member-range because if an interface changes in the range, you have to break up the range (IIRC). That said, if ports are static, you could use member-range or member (wildcard) statements to configure members.
  • I have had the CLI bark, but still commit, when interfaces were blank/missing, but had configurations in the interface-range area. I should verify this, but as of the time of writing this, this is what I recall.
  • Network admins/engineers who come from other vendors can get confused with interface-ranges, especially if you mix interface-ranges and standalone interface configurations. They make think something is missing and so forth; just make sure to brief them on it.

Final Thoughts

Junos has a lot of ways of accomplishing what you want, so what I’ve demonstrated here is just one way of accomplishing interface configurations; but from my experience, this seems like the more efficient way for campus switches.

Please let me know if there any mistakes in here or if you have a different way of using interface-ranges. Would love to be corrected or see other uses!

Thanks for reading.

* Enhanced Layer 2 Switching. Junos changed how configurations were done a few years back. Follow the link for more info.