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Kirk Byers Python for Network Engineers Videos

Over the last three months I’ve been transitioning back over to network engineering. When I first started working in IT, my role was as a network technician, but slowly I took on more and more systems administration and engineering, and the work I was doing was mostly with PowerShell.

As a result, my Python skills have atrophied over the years since I was so focused on PowerShell, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned while being put in charge of managing thousands of switches, it’s that I need some scripting in place to handle mass changes.


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The perfect class to get myself back in the Python game was from reddit, offered by Kirk Byers called “Python for Network Engineers“. It’s a introductory course on some Python basics, which for offered enough to get me going again.

I’m putting this list of the videos online for myself since I hate referencing my emails all the time, but if someone else finds it useful, awesome.

Lesson 1: Why Python, the Shell, and Strings
Lesson 2: Numbers, Files, Lists, and Linters
Lesson 3: Conditionals and Loops
Lesson 4: Dictionaries, Exceptions, and Regular Expressions
Lesson 5: Functions and the Python Debugger
Lesson 6: Netmiko
Lesson 7: Jinja2, YAML and JSON
Lesson 8: Libraries, PIP, and Virtual Environments

Lesson 1: Why Python, the Shell, and Strings

  1. Introduction 
    Length is 7 minutes
  2. Why Learn Programing?
    Length is 1 minute
  3. Why Python?
    Length is 3 minutes
  4. Python2 versus Python3
    Length is 2 minutes
  5. Characteristics of Python
    Length is 5 minutes
  6. The Python Interpreter Shell
    Length is 9 minutes
  7. IPython
    Length is 4 minutes
  8. Printing to stdout and Reading from stdin
    Length is 6 minutes
  9. Dir, Help, and Variables
    Length is 10 minutes
  10. Python Strings (Part 1)
    Length is 6 minutes
  11. Python Strings (Part 2)
    Length is 8 minutes
  12. Python Strings (Part 3)
    Length is 10 minutes
  13. Python String Formatting (Part 1)
    Length is 12 minutes
  14. Python String Formatting (Part 2)
    Length is 4 minutes

Lesson 2: Numbers, Files, Lists, and Linters

  1. Numbers
    Length is 9 minutes
  2. Files
    Length is 10 minutes
  3. Lists
    Length is 6 minutes
  4. List Slices
    Length is 4 minutes
  5. Lists are Mutable
    Length is 5 minutes
  6. Tuples
    Length is 3 minutes
  7. Using .join()
    Length is 3 minutes
  8. sys.argv
    Length is 2 minutes
  9. Linters
    Length is 6 minutes

Lesson 3: Conditionals and Loops

  1. Conditionals
    Length is 8 minutes
  2. Boolean Logic (Booleans, Ternary Operator, None)
    Length is 8 minutes
  3. Python For Loops
    Length is 5 minutes
  4. For Loops (Enumerate)
    Length is 6 minutes
  5. For Loops (Break and Continue)
    Length is 9 minutes
  6. While Loops
    Length is 5 minutes
  7. Loops Miscellaneous
    Length is 6 minutes

Lesson 4: Dictionaries, Exceptions, and Regular Expressions

  1. Dictionaries
    Length is 6 minutes
  2. Dictionaries Methods
    Length is 7 minutes
  3. Sets
    Length is 9 minutes
  4. Exceptions
    Length is 15 minutes
  5. Regular Expressions (Part1)
    Length is 15 minutes
  6. Regular Expressions (Part2)
    Length is 7 minutes
  7. Regular Expressions (Part3)
    Length is 8 minutes
  8. Regular Expressions, Other Methods
    Length is 4 minutes

Lesson 5: Functions and the Python Debugger

  1. Functions (Part1)
    Video link
    Length is 8 minute
  2. Functions (Part2)
    Video link
    Length is 11 minutes
  3. Misc Topics (Part1)
    Video link
    Length is 10 minutes
  4. Misc Topics (Part2)
    Video link
    Length is 8 minutes
  5. Python Debugger (pdb)
    Video link
    Length is 10 minutes

Lesson 6: Netmiko

  1. Netmiko Introduction and Basics 
    Video link
    Length is 8 minutes
  2. Netmiko Show Commands
    Video link
    Length is 13 minutes
  3. Netmiko and Prompting
    Video link
    Length is 12 minutes
  4. Netmiko and TextFSM
    Video link
    Length is 10 minutes
  5. Netmiko Config Changes
    Video link
    Length is 8 minutes
  6. Netmiko Troubleshooting
    Video link
    Length is 9 minutes

Lesson 7: Jinja2, YAML and JSON

  1. Jinja2 Basics
    Video link
    Length is 7 minutes
  2. Jinja2 For-Loops and Conditionals
    Video link
    Length is 9 minute
  3. Jinja2 and CSV
    Video link
    Length is 5 minutes
  4. Jinja2 Dictionaries and Nested Loops
    Video link
    Length is 11 minutes
  5. YAML Basics
    Video link
    Length is 9 minutes
  6. YAML Part2
    Video link
    Length is 10 minutes
  7. Using Python to Write YAML
    Video link
    Length is 3 minutes
  8. JSON
    Video link
    Length is 5 minutes
  9. Managing Data Structures
    Video link
    Length is 5 minutes

Lesson 8: Libraries, PIP, and Virtual Environments

  1. Importing Libraries
    Video link
    Length is 5 minutes
  2. sys.path and PYTHONPATH
    Video link
    Length is 7 minutes
  3. pip
    Video link
    Length is 7 minutes
  4. Virtual Environments
    Video link
    Length is 6 minutes
  5. Creating a Simple Python Module
    Video link
    Length is 4 minutes